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Welcome to Lakshya NGO

The organization LAKSHYA is a non-profit making registered voluntary organization working for the cause of downtrodden and suppressed people. It is registered under Indian Society Act. 21, 1860. The organisation in the field of health through its several health programmes achieved. Lakshya ngo running various programme to develop our society like LAKSHYA VOCATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMME, LAKSHYA WOMEN EMPOWERMENT , RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME these programme are described on other pages.

Lakshya Programmes


Training is an important component of any programme. Our country faced many problems where unemployment is major problem. To reduce and available jobs for unemployed people our society running vocational training programme. Under vocational training programme our society(Lakshyango) started computer training , typing, handcrafting, tailoring-sewing, weaving, painting, T.V. Transistor and Tap-recorder repairing programmes. Main view of lakshyango's vocational training programme, encourage people for self-reliance and self-employment that were unemployed and searching job wanting part time jobs in they're off time


It is only through empowerment of women that development of a society and this is possible. Women empowerment means that they should break free of the world set by patriarchal norms. For that we organised a workshop for downtrodden women. Women help line was formed for doing survey of victim women and helping them to face challenge. Women SHG were also formed. In this financial year SHG are formed.


Society organised many programme for rural development and working for upliftment for the life and livelihood of rural india. It aims to promote a single window delivery need based services in the areas of education, health, nutrition, weather, environment, agriculture and livelihoods to rural women and men.

Join your hand with us for a better life and beautiful future.